zondag 19 februari 2012

My Ho'okipa Stories p.2

And there I went again. This time it was !@!### windy. My smallest wavesail was 4.7 and it was windy for 4.0. But whatever, I took the 4.7 and went for part 2. As I'm honest, I still suck in wavesailing. My jumps are okay but my waveriding, aaaiii caramba amigo. But time will learn. This time not a good story behind it, just some shots and no rock pictures ;).

Morgan Henderson getting some off the lip.
 Paul still controlless and overpowered.
 Chris Freeman is getting better after a long knee injury. He had a nice aerial this day!

Pictures by: Nicky Lam

Patrik Diethelm Trailer wave 78 / Hot Sails Maui Firelight 4.7

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Stoked for you man. Nicky did well with the shots too. Stay stoked!

  2. Still jealous ;-) Nice shots, keep enjoying!!!!

  3. vette pics. man!! Enjoy, groeten aan Nicky!
